We’ve got a new poll running on MacDailyNews on Substack asking if you’d be interested in a weekly subscriber-only MacDailyNews podcast that reviews the week in Apple news? Subscriptions to MacDailyNews on Substack are just $5/mo. or $50/year. Any such week-in-review MacDailyNews podcast would be available to all subscribers. Would you be interested in a weekly subscriber-only MacDailyNews podcast that reviews the week in Apple news? by MacDailyNews It’s a poll, so let us know! Read on Substack We are currently about 1/5th of the way to being sustainable with Substack subscriptions. Not a bad start! Please tell your Apple-loving friends about MacDailyNews on Substack and, if you’re currently a free subscriber, please consider $5/mo. or $50/year to keep MacDailyNews…
Some new Apple Podcasts narrative series features focus on the long-form, multi-episode story many folks love. (via Cult of Mac - Apple news, rumors, reviews and how-tos)
Apple Podcasts loses market share -- a lot of it -- to new leaders YouTube and Spotify, according to new studies. Here's why. (via Cult of Mac - Apple news, rumors, reviews and how-tos)
Apple Podcasts loses market share -- a lot of it -- to new leaders YouTube and Spotify, according to new studies. Here's why. (via Cult of Mac - Apple news, rumors, reviews and how-tos)
Apple Podcasts on iPhone Why’s it called “podcasting?” Because it’s a blend of “iPod” and “broadcast.” Despite being named after an Apple product, and despite Apple having a huge lead in podcasting, the company has nevertheless fallen behind rivals YouTube and Spotify. Huge lead squandered. It’s shades of Siri, sadly. ‘Tis good for Apple employees’ ears that Steve Jobs is dead. He’d demand better performance. A players attract A players. B players attract C players… A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players. – Steve Jobs Ashley Carman for Bloomberg News: ‎ Apple Inc. popularized the concept of podcasts in 2005 when Steve Jobs announced the company would support the…
Into podcasting, streaming, gaming or music recording? A Blue Yeti USB microphone like the one in this Mac Studio setup might be for you. (via Cult of Mac - Apple news, rumors, reviews and how-tos)

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