Apple Pay is simple to set up and, now, users in Guatemala and El Salvador participate, too, via Banco Promerica and BAC Credomatic. Just add your credit or debit card to the Wallet app on your iPhone and you’re ready to go. You still get all your card’s rewards and benefits — so you won’t miss out on any hard-earned points or miles.
The following banks support Apple Pay in El Salvador:
• BAC Credomatic
• Promerica
The following banks support Apple Pay in Guatemala:
• BAC Credomatic
• Promerica
• Banco G&T
• Banco Industrial
Users of Apple devices like the iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Ultra can now use Apple Pay in two new countries.
Years after Apple Pay went live in the United States and other countries, Guatemala and El Salvador have now both come online thanks to Banco Promerica and BAC Credomatic both supporting the Apple contactless payments system.
With Apple Pay enabled owners of VISA and Mastercard credit and debit cards with either of those two banks can now set up Apple Pay on their iPhone, iPad, or Mac. The cards can then also be synced to an Apple Watch for use while on the go.
MacDailyNews Take: Apple Pay works with major credit and debit cards from banks around the world, with more added all the time. You can see all the banks that support Apple Pay here. If your card does not yet support Apple Pay, contact your bank for more information.
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