Even if Apple does not necessarily call its features “artificial intelligence” (A.I.) or have a generative A.I. product, the company plays a prominent role in the field and will very likely continue to do so.

Will Healy for The Motley Fool:
Indeed, one could describe all of Apple’s current products as AI tools. The iPhone, which accounts for the majority of Apple’s revenue, is the company’s most prominent AI device.
Unsurprisingly, much of its AI revolves around language, applying machine learning (ML), a subset of AI, for systems to develop their intelligence. It first incorporated AI into the iPhone in 2011 when it introduced Siri. The speech-based personal assistant relies on AI to recognize and process requests and accurately deliver the requested results in a clear and recognizable voice.
In subsequent years, the company has developed numerous ML application programming interfaces (APIs) usable across all its devices related to vision, sound, natural language, and speech…
Apple’s most important work may come from its investments in the future of AI, and its focus on academia shows this commitment. The company developed a program called Apple Scholars, offering fellowships to Ph.D. students who pursue the latest ML and AI at many of the world’s top universities.
MacDailyNews Note: In the full article, Healy calls Apple “one of the most essential AI stocks.”
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