Since 2020, those who formerly settled for Android phones are accounting for an increased percentage of buyers of real iPhones.

CIRP looked at the last nine years of iPhone purchase data, including the phone that iPhone buyers owned immediately before their new iPhone purchase. In the 12 months ending in March 2023, 15% of iPhone buyers reported upgrading from an Android phone.
The new survey shows Apple is attracting the most switchers from Android it’s seen in the last five years.
15% of new iPhone owners report having an Android device as their last smartphone. That’s a 4% increase from what CIRP saw last year, and 5% higher than the data seen in 2020 and 2021.
Two percent of new iPhone buyers said they came from a basic phone, “other,” or were first-time iPhone owners. And 83% said they previously had an iPhone.
Apple CFO Luca Maestri also shared during the company’s Q2 earnings call that “any places where our market share is low, we tend to add a lot of switchers.” That means many markets outside the US are seeing greater than 15% of new iPhone buyers coming from Android.
MacDailyNews Take: The momentum is towards real iPhones and away from iPhone knockoffs.
New or used, slowly, inexorably, the confused masses who’ve settled for wretched fragmandroid phones eventually graduate to real iPhones. – MacDailyNews, April 25, 2023
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