Apple rose 11 places over last year in the latest Axios Harris Poll 100, a ranking of the reputations of companies most on the minds of Americans, a framework Harris has used since 1999.
Apple’s overall score of 80.6 compares well to No.1 Patagonia’s 83.5.
The category scores for Apple:
#19. Character – 76.9
#2. Trajectory – 84.4
#23. Trust – 79.7
#9. Culture – 80.8
#27. Ethics – 77.6
#39. Citizenship – 73.0
#4. Vision – 84.0
#7. Growth – 83.4
#3. Products & Services – 85.1
This year’s rankings are based on a survey of 16,310 Americans from a nationally representative sample conducted March 13–28.
The two-step process starts fresh each year by surveying the public’s top-of-mind awareness of companies that either excel or falter in society.
Americans are asked which two — in their opinion — stand out as having the best reputation today and which two have the worst. All nominations are compiled into an aggregate list to determine the “most visible” companies. Subsidiaries and brands are tallied within the parent company to create a total number of nominations for each company.
Respondents rated those 100 most visible companies on nine dimensions of reputation to calculate the company’s Reputational Quotient, or RQ®, score for inclusion in the Axios Harris Poll 100.
Another set of respondents answered a separate survey about contextual questions on topics related to brands and politics. That survey was conducted online within the U.S. by Harris Poll from May 12 to 14, among a nationally representative sample of 2,019 U.S. adults.
MacDailyNews Take: Moving in a positive direction!
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