Apple has built a large structure at Apple Park for controlled heads-on demos of its forthcoming XR headset on Monday, June 5th, Bloomberg News‘ Mark Gurman reports via Twiter.
It sounds like Apple will also have a hands-on area in the Steve Jobs Theater – open to developers — for after the keynote — in addition to headset building. The keynote will be played in the same spot as last year but there is a new shade to cover people and prevent sunburns.
– Apple has built a large structure on the Apple Park campus to provide controlled hands-on demos of the device to some attendees and media at the conference. The company has set up an area at the basketball courts near its employee fitness center. Apple is also planning future demos through the summer. When it shows off the device, it’s planning to focus on immersive FaceTime in VR, Apple TV+ content and gaming.
– Apple is also discussing notifying potential customers with certain conditions that they should not buy or use the device due to the impact AR and VR may have on their health. That includes people with Meniere’s Disease, past traumatic brain injuries, post-concussion syndrome, migraines and vertigo.
– Some testers have also found the product, which is nearing a development stage called DVT — or Design Validation Testing — to overheat.
MacDailyNews Take: Unless everyone gets their own — which we doubt — Apple has hopefully also built a nice in-between-users’ sanitization procedure (think 3D glasses at Disney parks, but rapidly).
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